
In compliance with the WB Environmental and Social Standard 10 (ESS10), the SEP recognizes the importance of open and transparent engagement between the Borrower and project stakeholders as an essential element of good international practice. Effective stakeholder engagement can improve the environmental and social sustainability of projects, enhance project acceptance, and make a significant contribution to successful project design and implementation. Stakeholder engagement is an inclusive process conducted throughout the project life cycle. Where properly designed and implemented, it supports the development of strong, constructive, and responsive relationships that are important for successful management of a project’s environmental and social risks.
The overall objective of this SEP is to define a plan of action for stakeholder engagement, including technically and culturally appropriate approach to public consultation and information disclosure, throughout the entire project cycle. The SEP outlines ways in which the project team will communicate with stakeholders and includes a mechanism by which people can raise concerns, provide feedback, or make complaints about project activities.
The involvement of different stakeholders, including the local population is essential to the success of the project in order to ensure smooth collaboration between project staff and local communities.
The present document is a Preliminary SEP, given the emergency nature of the project, limited access to the project sites and stakeholders, urgency to deliver the Project, and preoccupation of relevant government stakeholders in immediate flood relief activities. This SEP was prepared in light of the stakeholder consultation which took place in Quetta on 20th January 2023 and will be reassessed and updated within 60 days of project effectiveness and redisclosed. Moreover, it will continue to be updated throughout the project life as a living document.

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